Saturday 18 April 2015


After marriage I had to call her 'Mummy'.
Felt odd to share this word. But we shared a good rapport.

As soon as I had children, she got elevated to the status of Daadi.
She never looked a Daadi but our equation got enhanced by the mere change of title.

I felt more connected to her as my children's daadi rather than the most khatarnak (dreaded and difficult) relationship, that of a saas-bahu (mother-in-law & daughter-in-law).

Ever since Daadi was diagnosed of AML (Acute Myeloid Leukemia - a type of blood cancer) on 15 Aug 2014, we whisked her away from Chandigarh to live with us in Delhi. And through the brief months that we lived together we bonded through the deadly disease of AML.

Every month, 5 days were reserved for her monthly dose of intravenous chemotherapy.

Early morning, we'd pack our picnic bag with some chocolates, fruits, juices and Daadi's trade mark egg sandwiches (the most delicious egg n' cheese sandwich in the world) and drive 40 kms to the hospital.
The day was spent at the hospital.

Transfusion complete, we'd sit on the patient's bed, side by side, unpack our picnic bag and bite into the delicious soft bread egg n cheese sandwich. Mmmm...this was the treat we waited for.

Thru every ride and every transfusion, she was concerned that she took up too much of my time.
If only she'd realise that nursing her gave me joy.
Just as the injured birds I bring home to revive, in eagerness that they survive. 

7 months on, Daadi was recovering well.
But suddenly she started feeling weak again and things went in reverse. Her strength dropped and the blood count showed her disease was on a high.

With every passing day, she got weaker. But her will to fight back was high.
If she saw my silent tears, she gave me strength. "Don't cry, give me positive energy to fight".
Damn my tears ! I had to help her fight.

From that time on, it was only Daadi on my mind, day and night.
Her dependency on me grew day by day and I was ever happy to be by her side,
every small wish of her's, I'd run to abide.

From sitting position to recline, from semi recline to horizontal position,
into the bed she resigned.
She was now consigned to bed and me by her side.
She lamented, "I have only increased your burden with time".
If only she could understand, I loved to nurse her through this tough time.
I may not be a qualified nurse but it gave me a high.

Both hands swollen and in pain,
unable to eat, drink, bathe or pee by self,
she felt terrible to be so dependant on me.

I told her,
I have to tend to her, the best in me,
For she is a beautiful bird for me.

With each passing day, our co-ordination progressed to perfection.
Not a crumb nor grain of food was spilled as I fed her in bed. Not a drop of juice trickled down her face as she sipped thru the straw while lying in bed, barely able to lift her head. Yet, she managed it all with grace.
If she wanted to visit the loo, she'd put her arms around my neck as I wrapped mine under her shoulders, we hugged each other and slowly waltzed to the loo, her steps following mine.

She loved to hear the banter of her grand kids and smiled thru closed eyes as both of them argued with each other.
In spite of weakness and pain, her mind was alert and remained in the present.
One day, she looked at me and said
"shape your eyebrows, don't keep them unkempt".

I gave her all my love through AML
yet, from bad to worse she went in health,
on 14-04-2015 at 2 pm
my bird took one last glance of her son on the right
and suddenly
it all came to an end.

Daadi : 29-08-1949 to 14-04-2015

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