Friday, 7 August 2015

Mirambika Tales

Green Group (2005)

Aryaan  Kuvam  Kartik
These 3 young boys in green group - 8 years old (2005), were known to move out of class, enjoy, experiment, explore.... 
they wanted to do all the fun stuff at the wrong time i.e. when class was on. 
While the girls diligently did their work in class, these three boys would move of out of class.

They would be found loitering around the neem grove or basketball court, or around the Aurobindo statue or even as far as the parking lot opposite the Matri store. 

One afternoon after lunch break, these 3 young lads were strolling along sunlit path towards Aurobindo statue and one of the Bhaiya chanced upon them. 

"How come you are not in class? Where are you going?" he asked them. 
"We are going to the statue" they replied. 

"This is not the time to be at Aurobindo statue" he said. 

"But we are not going back" Kartik replied strongly and stubbornly. 

"Ok, you can go to the 'statue' if you can spell it" he said.

Aryaan, Kartik and Kuvam tried individually at first and then collectively....many attempts were made 

"Kartik who was the sharpest and smartest of all in the green group, even he could not spell it right" remarked Aryaan.

And so, reluctantly they turned and headed back to class. 

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