Monday 17 August 2015

The Red Dragonfly

Red !
A beautiful blend of Purple and Red
He sat so still,
could mistake for dead.

he tilted his head and his wings he spread
Hungrily I captured him through my lens
Without a blink,
his red eyes stared....
so intense
as I clicked and clicked of him,                                       
in hundreds.

                Had waited for one click of his, since many a day                                              
  But he refused to touch down on earth's surface
   He surfed and skimmed the sky so high
  But to come down to earth, he seemed shy

   I happily clicked him
 through all my Wows
  And finally, after a good photo session                                                             he graced it with a bow.


Red dragonfly - trithemis aurora (crimson marsh glider) 
Trithemis is a genus of dragonflies in the family Libellulidae. They are commonly known as Dropwings.
The male of the species is distinctly different from the female 
male - red with purple pruinescence 
female - bight yellow with brown 

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