Saturday 12 September 2015

Peepal Baba - One man One million trees

Absolutely Amazing ! 
In 39 years, One man has silently planted Ten and a half million trees. 
No seminars. No conferences. No talks. No concepts. No Media. No features.
Tree planting and Tree preservation is all he believes in. 
He has planted in every region across the states of India (except Kerala).

Watch this delightful documentary of his work on trees.

At first sight, he has a typical 'corporate' look
But as the documentary flows 
we hear how he has planted over a million Vruksh! 

The million that he planted...
numerically we cannot fathom
visually too, it is hard to imagine.
In deep gratitude we truly thank him
for silently planting on our behalf
for adding greens where ever tree starved,
his years of effort does slowly flourish
a diminishing eco system via the peepal he nourished  

While all we did was hope for more trees...
Peepal Baba silently made it a reality.

Peepal (tree) - Ficus Religiosa
Vruksh - tree

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