Wednesday 14 October 2015

Sibling Squabbles

Sibling Squabbles between my kids (11 and 16 years) 
go on each day. 

It starts with a gentle query from the petite younger sister to the (double her size) older brother, 
then progresses into interrogation, 
follows into argument 
and finally ends with a short rude note from the irritated older brother "Hup" he says. 
A polite-ly rude manner of instructing his younger sister to shut up. 

So, the younger one came wailing to me that her brother keeps saying "Hup" to her all through the day, for anything she had to say.   

Each time he says 'Hup' you can give it back to him by saying 'Pup', I told her in the presence of her brother.
She seemed satisfied with the mama approved retort. 

And so, all through the day, through each of their conversations and arguments, 
I hear "Hup" from the brother
immediately followed by "Pup" from the sister. 

Hup ... Pup
Hup ... Pup

It goes on thru the day 
Cute sounds fill my ears
And amicably flows my day. 


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