Monday 18 January 2016

Signature Spider

The Signature Spider

There once was a spider 
who lived in a bank, 
he lived in the bank, in the cabin of a teller.
Together they verified millions of signatures,  
Together they worked hard
detecting the fraud and the swindlers.

After years of service when the teller retired,
He gratefully thanked the spider
for his 8 eyes that never tired.
"Together we compiled a swindlers list, 
If not for your vigilance 
there were many I would have missed.
And after all the years of verifying signatures nondescript,   
I admit 
Your signature is the one I truly admire". 


Argiope anasuja or Signature Spider is a species of Orb spider found in Asia. 

These spiders make certain zig-zag pattern on web therefore also known as writer or signature spiders. This spider weaves four zig zag stripes in its web, and holds its legs together in pairs. It holds its legs in pairs to disguise itself as a four legged creature; and thus it does this to not appear to look like a spider.                     

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