Tuesday 16 February 2016

Eternal Care

Of all things that I carry or hold thru the day, the cell phone always manages to slip thru my grip and fall to the ground.

If I am clutching the cell phone along with a bunch of keys, it is only the cell phone that is sure to slip off and fall to the ground.
If I am holding a pen and the cellphone in the same hand, only the cell phone will slip off, without doubt.
If my arms are carefully holding a hundred things, yet only the cell phone will manage to slip through all that was held tight.

Whether the grip is tight or loose, surface is smooth or rough,  hard or soft,  my cell phone is the first to slip out off my clutch.

It may have slipped the minds of Galileo and Newton, but there is a law that applies to the 'constant-falling or slipping off' of the cell phone.
It is the known as the 'Cell-Fell' law which states that
"no matter how careful, mindful or remindful one may be,
to care for all the worldly things one need's,
their cell phone is the first to fall from hand to feet."

Most of the times I am quick to pull out a leg to soften the direct impact on the phone before it touches the ground.

But when I am out for Mac walk, that is when teh phone flies out of my hand every time Mac tugs at his leash.
It flies high and smashes to the ground.
So the condition of my phone is usually cracked or smashed.
And I continue to use it till it is smashed beyond recovery and repair.

Recently when I had gone to my parents' house in Bombay, my dad noticed the state of my phone (it was half cracked from front and back, screen smashed, and parts of the glass screen had chipped and fallen off).

My daddy strongest, who is a master restorer, a re-cycler and collector of many a useless things, asked me softly "May I tape it up for you, in transparent tape?"

"Not now dad, I am in a hurry. I am already late."

"But a lot of dust and dirt can enter thru exposed parts and it will reduce the life of the cell"
Being an engineer by nature he loves to explain how stuff works. He is ever ready to explain it's physics, geography, science, maths.
I was always amazed (and still am) as to how he had a scientific explanation for every question his daughters asked.  

"Life of this cell phone seems long over" my mom retorted, clearly exhausted with her spouse's art of restoration, re-restoration and re re restoration of every object in the house.

I ran about the house collecting my things and within a few minutes I was in the car.

Traffic was horrendous.
It was hot, humid and the car air-conditioning stopped working !

20 minute drive took 2 hours, as it was one of the festive days.
Yes, that's the traffic condition of my beloved Bombay.

When I reached, I was lucky to find the only available parking space!
I parked the car, rolled up the windows and opened the door to step out and .....
my cell phone (which was on my lap), was the first to slip out,
and fall straight into a mound of mud.
Wrong side down. The chipped, broken, exposed screen was submerged in the mud.

I sat in my car with my eyes shut 'crinkled' tight.

Now the life of this phone was surely over.
It was only me to be blamed  
If it had been taped, it may have been saved.
Now it may as well be buried in the same mud.

Nevertheless I lifted the phone and dusted it with my bare hands. Hopelessly pressed my finger on the start button, just to check if it had collapsed or survived.

And Lo!
The screen lit up.
It was saved !
For it had been taped by a restorer who couldn't leave it to fate.

I looked up at the sky to hold back my emotions.

One thing in life that stands the test of time is Parental care.
A parent can never stop worrying or caring even if the child has become a parent.
No matter when or where
Parental care
is Eternal care!

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