Friday 23 September 2016

The Hair Cut - 2

It was a weekend. 
Zenab - Armaana's class friend (grade 7) from Yemen had a hair cut. 
But she was far from satisfied with it. Every glance in the mirror irked her.  
She decided to correct it. 

She drew her hair back and tied it into a pony tail. 
Got all the hair to one side. With one hand she held the pony tail near her face 
and the other hand with the scissor went ....SNIP !
She cut all of it in one snip. 

She untied her hair to check. 
Ooops. It hadn't cut as expected ! 
Her sister Arwa walked in at the right time. She tried to help trim it. 
She cut the hair into a lopsided angular 'V' shape.  
Ooops ! It didn't shape up as expected. 
Her older brother walked in confidently as a saviour to level it. 
But... Ooops ! He wasn't as artistic as he thought himself to be.   

Zenab's oldest brother peeped in the room as the three of them were arguing about the haircut. 
He said everyone had had a try, so why not him ?
Being oldest, a lot was expected out of him. 
But.... the cut didn't turn out as he expected.  
He said he could not do much because most of the hair was gone. 

The rest of the day, Zenab tied a scarf around her head.  
Her mom was surprised to see Zenab with a scarf, especially since she had pleaded not to wear 
one in India. 

She pulled it off. She was in for a shock. 
She was about to lambaste Zenab for experimenting when the oldest brother casually told his mom 
to chill because "the hair's gone, you will have to wait now". 

The only consolation for Zenab was that all were lambasted for her new look. 

Image result for hair cut cartoon


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