Monday 23 November 2015

Nettle Caterpillar

The Nettle caterpillar with its neon colours 

walks boldly, without any fear. 

Just half inch long, 

and with the speed of a slug 

like rolling waves he inches forward 

waving his poisonous nettles about.   

This little chap bothers not of who else is around

for none will dare lift him off the tree or ground 

No bird will dare to eat him 

however delicious this dish may seem 

Only a fool would dare to pick him

to admire his neon green!

The Nettle caterpillar / Parasa Lepida, from the Limacodidae family of moths, are often called slug moths because their caterpillars bear a distinct resemblance to slugs
The larva have venomous spines and modified setae that cause dermatitis in humans.

setae - stiff hair-like or bristle-like structure, especially in an invertebrate.

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