Monday 30 November 2015

In My House...

Sept 2015

A friend recently asked me, 
"So, which animals do you have in your house right now?"

So here's a round up...

Mr. Mac Macenza :
The 4 legged pet of the family.
A bird hunter by nature, whose instinct we have perhaps 
managed to denature.
He is also Punjabi by nature.         
He is eats, sleeps, lazes and passes gas at will. 

Elegant in name
But difficult to tame
Discipline drives him slightly insane
Surrounded by birds
his instinctive sense got blurred,
delightfully he plays with them 
without feeling absurd.

Rambo - The Buzurg Parakeet

Mr. Rambo is the 'buzurg' (elder) member of the family and his temperament supports his age. 

More than 20 years old. He is short tempered and stubborn, sometimes irritable and at other times irritating.
If he wants food he screeches.
If he wants to be greeted he screeches.
If he wants to be loved he screeches.
If he wants to be left alone he screeches.
If the children's tutor talks too loud while teaching, he screeches.
If we are up till late at night, he screeches. 
For anything and everything he screeches. 

If you don't obey his wish, his screeching goes louder in crescendo.
Better to leave him to his own innuendo.

Most of his years he lived in a small cage
Till his owners decided to give him away
The Vet from the bird hospital called me to say
"An old bald Alexandrine Parakeet has been abandoned 
and with you he will stay".
Thus Mr. Rambo came over to stay. 

With time, he has developed the courage to explore out of his cage, 
Angry Bird Rambo controls our house with his rage.


Brought from the bird hospital 
Jamun recovering from neck paralysis
Juliette, unable to fly due to loss of balance.   
Like Penguins they seem 
but pigeons they are, 
their iridescent necks gleaming purple and green.   
Daily they preen 
each other they clean, 
cooing and cuddling is a daily scene.

Together they have become an inseparable pair,
With these 2 love birds love is always in the air.


Blanco, the handsome fantail pigeon
Robust in strength but impaired in vision,  
entrusted to me
because of his lack of vision.

From the bird hospital he came 
because the bird vet called me and said...
This is a special pigeon,
reserved in your name. 
I hand him to you, 
to take under your care.

Happy and pleased, Blanco and me strutted into the house, 
proudly, with our chest out.  

Blanco doesn't have it easy 
For Jamun won't let him come close to 'Juliette' his lady 
Every day they have a bout 
a fierce display of feathers, strength and clout 
Each tries to woo her and throw the other male out
for two is company 
but three is a crowd.  

In the meantimeOn my balcony, 
not far from all my pigeon crowd 
a stray pigeon had quietly laid an egg in a plant pot
Daily she sat to hatch her one and only egg
Daily we checked 
if the l'il one had come out of the egg.

17 days later, we saw a little yellow head 
cuddling and hiding between it's mama's legs. 

Over protective the mama was, 
she glared and treated us like outlaws. 
We weren't allowed too close to her chick, 
not for a peep, not even a photo click.  
She was so stern,  
She even slapped us with her wing 

Her glare clearly declared "Get lost, this chick is mine, not your's".  


Titly, was spotted stuttering on the road. 
Some how her wings had unusual crumpled folds
It didn't seem like she could hold for long on her own 
So I took her along 
and placed her in my potted plants at home

Two days later she was still there 
the same plant I had left her on, 
with her crumpled wings she couldn't fly
and thus, she just stood there.
Hungry she must have been 
without any nectar on flowerless plants she'd been. 

I gave her some honey 
some apple and grape juice
She tapped around with her feet  
and lapped it up with her proboscis 

For a week with us she stayed, 
gently she tapped her feet 
as she sipped juice from the plate
I watched her sip nectar with relish and grace

But on the eighth day, Titly passed away    


Please note : all the birds in my house are kept for recuperation and released when fit to fly.
They roam freely through the house as well as dare to go out on the balcony.
Some survived, some did not.
One had even come back with a family.... 2 chicks and a wife.

Rambo : after a caged up life, he is too old to live in the wild as his wings
have no strength to fly.
His main body is bald. But it gets covered with his wing feathers.
He was always scared and never left his cage. He used to get petrified of sticks.
After being with us for a year, he now steps out of his cage to take a walk around the house.
His confidence in us is beginning to grow as well as his own is beginning to show.  

Jamun : is recovering well from neck paralysis. He is on medication.
If he gets stressed, he starts going round in circles. His neck loses control and his head falls on his back.
Juliette : has some extra growth on a wing and a leg, which has impaired her flight.

Blanco : is very aggressive by nature, a way of defending himself. Pecks hard at what ever touches him. His aggression changes to submission only when he senses a female pigeon around.
Man or Animal ..... somethings never change.

Titly the Butterfly - butterflies taste with their legs. Watch the video of Titly tapping her legs to the music of Yurima, while sipping nectar from the plate.

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