Tuesday 26 January 2016

I once was a Mighty Tree

We have laws to protect the trees, but yet innumerable trees have been chopped in the name of pruning for selfish reasons like lack of sun, parking space, shedding of dry leaves.... 
The fact being that it is faster and easier to chop one than to stop one from being chopped. Because there are more people 'against trees' than 'for trees'. 
RWA's of Residential Societies take the lead (or pay no heed). And overnight a lane of beautiful trees is pruned bare of all branches and leaves. 
Heart breaking to see the mighty trees being chopped insanely.     

I once was a mighty tree 
Just look what they've made of me.
Hacked my arms, my leaves, my sleeves,
A vertical log is what they call a tree?
Brutally as they chop most of me
I can do nothing but stand

In the name of the rays of the winter sun
They chop the trees one by one
When winter fades, they expect shade
Impatient minds of the human race.
I understand not what they want of me
But yet I struggle and strive 
of what 'am supposed to do 
and be.

To branch, blossom and fill the world with green
To be a home for more than just the feathered breed
To oxygenate the air humans breathe
But now .....
Just look what they've made of me.
How I can manage without my branches of green?
It won't be long before they remove this log of me. 

Eagerly they preach
"it takes 7 years to grow from seed to tree
And many more for us to grow steadily,"
Yet they shudder not to chop me 
is it because.... I cannot speak?
I stand bare, naked, 
void of branches and leaves 
Thanks to Humans, the mighty learned
and inconsiderate breed. 

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