Friday 29 January 2016

Dew Webs

Its not rained. 
Its dew drops on spider web once again....


Dew Webs - on a cold and frosty morning

On a cold and frosty morning...
Wind blown 
burdened with dew 
yet holding on, delicately strong  
like a necklace strung with pearls.  

Ever wondered... 
why the web does glisten holding all the dew 
while our hair when wet,  fall limp and subdued ?  

Why spider webs glisten with dew

Researchers have puzzled out how spider silk is able to catch the morning dew. Their findings may lead to the development of new materials that are able to capture water from the air. 
The study examines the silk of the hackled orbweaver spider  Uloborus walckenaerius. "Bright, pearl-like water drops hang on thin spider silk in the morning after fogging," says study author Lei Jiang from the Beijing National Laboratory for Molecular Sciences. "It is unexpected and interesting. Human hair can't do that."

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